lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

To the south of Camagüey, a new history

By:Ernesto Pantaleón Medina | Televisión Camagüey

To only some hours ago I listened of a colleague some considerations on a place that, with absolute property, it can be said, it was born with the Revolution, since another form doesn't exist to express that moment in that the men and women come to arise the dignity and the decency where before prevailed the abandonment, the without reason and the suffering without limits of a majority, to sustain the enjoyment of some few ones.

The geographical place in question is located to the south of the county of Camagüey (toward the center-east of the country), where there settle the communities of Aguilar, San Carlos One and Two, among other very similar ones to towns ghost in the call " dead time ", period framed among a sugar and other harvest, and in the one that the journeymen strolled for the sidewalk and roads begging a temporary employment, for miserable that was the remuneration.

The proprietors of the plantations of cane took advantage of the advantage and they hired to price of misery, the execution of the hardest tasks, paid those more than the times with funds or vouchers to get paid in the nearest trade, in general a packed still life of all merchandise is possible to imagine, but unreachable for those who sometimes tied the days with the nights just by some sugary water and a piece of old bread, if luck accompanied them .

A situation that defines the reality of then in those remote corners of the extensive countryside of Camagüey it is summarized in that in the three communities or combing, like there were called then, other so many shutter existed, but there were not doctor, nurse or school, and services so indispensable as the estomatológics were ignored.

Only a minimized physician that resided in the head of Santa Cruz del Sur, distant dozens of kilometers, was allowed to see some that another time for those places, to try to repair to like it gave place by nature therenders of an unjust society… it arrived, it auscultated, it got paid, and left, leaving a druggist that officiated the whole year like quack of the area.

A day of January the Revolution arrived of Fidel`s hand and their bearded , and in the cabins the new times entered to the gallop, bringing gets the hope.

Today exists a sugar power station there, the " Batalla of the Guásimas" that one of the biggest victories in the mambises remembers for the liberation of Cuba.

They get up in the environment, together with the reedbeds, video rooms and calculation clubs, schools endowed with the new teaching means, the doctor's clinics and the nurse of the family, and nets of roads arose where before it was the horse the only transport, or the occasional car of line of the railroad.

They add hundred the engineers, professors, lawyers, veterinarians, doctors, or arisen artists of the popular talent.

The dreams have been completed amply, still the most ambitious, and no father is forced by the desperation to be hung of a guasim by not having with what to feed their children, neither any l4 years old girl has to sell his body and his soul to the worst bidder for not dying from hunger.

They have more than enough then, elements to understand the reasons from this enormous monument to the social justice that newly completed 50 years of fruitful life.

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