miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

The communication and its impact in the company of Camagüey

By:Yuldys Márquez Díaz|Camagüey Television

Cuba is in front of a true challenge in this time where the world economy is in crisis and it is in fact the necessity to achieve efficient companies with competitive products in the national and international markets. For it the process of the communication in all its variants, is presented like an effective tool.

In Camagüey specialists of these sectors meet to debate in a first provincial shop on the communication and the Managerial improvement.

In this respect the social comunicador of the Company of Informative Services of the Railroad in Camagüey assures that the bases should be implemented from a correct communication to the managerial improvement. While on the other hand Nuris Castro Torres, of the Company of Hydraulic Projects comments us about the effectiveness of a good comunicacional project in a company under these conditions of improvement.

The shop summoned by two days, has as fundamental objective to propitiate the exchange between comunicators and managers to achieve an Integrative system in the Managerial Communication of the entities of Camagüey, and this way to elevate our economic efficiency.

This way summoned to meditate in one of the conferences on three questions:
What principles are insoslayables to achieve a good communication?
How to achieve the effectiveness in the message according to the values of our identity?
What characteristic should sustain the publicity in a country like Cuba?

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