miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Films by Spaniard Luis Buñuel Screening in Havana

HAVANA, Cuba. A film season of the Mexican period of renowned Spanish director Luis Buñuel will be presented in Havana’s Riviera Movie Theater from May 14th through the 20th.

Luís Buñuel.

Born in Spain (1900), his work was influenced by his membership of the surrealist movement, of which painter Salvador Dalí (who contributed to the shooting of Un Perro Andaluz and La edad de oro) was also a part.

Buñuel lived in Spain, the United States, and Mexico, a country that became his second homeland and where he made 20 of the movies making up his vast filmography.

The work of this maestro of cinema history -controversial due to its provocative and iconoclastic style- won many awards and recognition.

He died in the Mexican capital in 1983, leaving a valuable legacy of over 30 films.

(Ciclo de filmes de Luis Buñuel en La Habana)

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