jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Cuba Expands Use of Minimal Access Surgery

HAVANA, Cuba. Cuban doctors are successfully using minimal access surgery to remove orbital tumors, which provides faster patient recovery and fewer side effects.

Dr. Carlos Mendoza Santiesteban, head of neuro-ophthalmology services at the Ramon Pando Ferrer Cuban Ophthalmology Institute, told Juventud Rebelde newspaper that the first minimal-access orbital tumor surgery was carried out two years ago.

More than 25 have been carried out since and specialists are gaining experience. With the acquisition of equipment and adequate training, it could soon be offered across the country.

The Cuban government has invested significant resources in the development of public ophthalmology services. The country's achievements have been praised by renowned scientists such as specialist Dr. Thomas Hedges III who is currently on the island.

Dr. Carlos Mendoza Santiesteban said that for many years eye socket tumors were removed using complicated intracranial operations. With minimal acess surgeries it is possible to extract large tumors through small incisions.

(Operan en Cuba tumores orbitarios con mínimo acceso)

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