jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Cuba will produc reactives for attention to persons sicks of AIDS

Havana. Cuba will produce reactives for checkr the state of the linfocitos and the evolution of the patients with HIV-AIDS in the country, with that which will save foreign currencies and will protect these sick persons better.

There will be elaborated in the Laboratory of Antibodies and Experimental Biomodels (LABEX), in the city of Santiago de Cuba, and will be sent to the Territorial Center that assists to patient of The Tunas, Camagüey, Holguín, Granma, Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo.

There will also arrive to the rest of the hospital institutions of the country that require them.
This decision is inserted inside the state strategy of enlarging the range of assistance possibilities, to improve the services of health and to substitute the fármacs import and medications gradually, informs today Granma Newspaper.

That newspaper highlights the quality, guarantee and dependability of the technological process that develops the community of scientific from Santiago, attributed to the resided Center of Molecular Immunology of the capital.

Inside its lines figure the markers and hemoclasificators used for the categorization of the sanguine groups, the diagnosis of the pathologies related with the red globules and the dysfunctions sanguine postransfunsionals.

It also produces all the denominations of the serums of Coombs, demanded by the Infantile Maternal National Program of Attention for the fetal diagnosis.

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