viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

Electric power saving, imperative for Guáimaro before global capitalist crisis

Guáimaro. The necessity to use the electric power and the fuels rationally is an urgency for the municipality of Camagüey of Guáimaro, before the effects of the global capitalist crisis that affects to the territory.

The specialists of the National Association of Economists and Counters of Cuba (ANEC) in Guáimaro, coincided that it should be looked after the good use of the energy in each home, entity and dependence of the State, to contribute from our positions to mitigate their effects.

Juan Ramayo, director of the Electric Basic Organization, called to the saving, especially to the residential sector , main consumer, besides taking all the measures in the entities big consumers that work the 24 hours, as hospitals, factories procedural and gastronomic units, among others.

In so far in the current year a strict control is taken with the objective of maintaining stable the expenses and not to overdraw the electricity consumptions, telephone, dilutes and fuels, because the state carries out a great effort to make more with less.

The global capitalist crisis is a reality and its effects feel in the deficit volumes of wheat flour that arrive to the country, some construction materials that require of a complex industrial process, before that which the town united search solutions.

For those reasons the conscience of the town of Guaimaro is directed to a bigger knowledge of the plan of energy consumption in each housing and its daily control, tool of high value for the saving, besides the creativity that the workers apply in each work position.

The call of the moment to face the global capitalist crisis in Guáimaro is to be more efficient in all the work fronts, especially the saving of material resources and energy payees.

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