lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

To face the crisis and to advance

Camagüey. It is clear for all that we don't have a perfect society, but I would dare to say that there is not another so human as ours, so pending that men, women, children and old men receive all the material and spiritual goods that the socialism is able to offer, as cannot make the capitalism.

I am completely sure that any town, for very Spartan that had been, had been able to arrive until here, after 50 years facing to the most powerful imperialism and heidelberg that has existed on the face of the earth, and under the strong blockade and genocidist that it imposed us, the longest in the history, to give in for hunger and illnesses.

The preamble doesn't have any vindicative purpose of the inefficient, the bureaucracy, the indolence, the criminal and negligent behaviors with those that we collide to newspaper and that in way some has to do with the ethical and moral principles of the society that we build.

Neither I seek to ignore the concerns that suffer the population to see how it stretches the wage that doesn't reach, for the high prices of the products that should necessarily be acquired outside of the family basket that the State guarantees “against wind and gets dizzy”, and how other goods offered in the foreign currency area receive they, for the dichotomy of the double currency, of which the current economic situation doesn't allow us to do without.

Now, many times I wonder what had been of this country, if we didn't have the Revolution, after the three desvastators hurricanes that whipped us in the 2008, and whose material losses, mainly in the agriculture, in housings and in school, industrial facilities and of all type, cost to the country around ten thousand million dollars.

The survives who can had been to the agenda, like has happened in other many places, in New Orleans, city belonging to the powerful neighbor of the North and whose inhabitants, to more than five years of being whipped by the Katrina, stroll for other states like pariahs in their own earth, after having lost all their goods and many, the life of their relatives.

Blockade and special period is not simple enunciated. The fact of having learned how to deceive him and to resist it doesn't mean them not to be present. There is that test the impact that had and they have in the economic thing and in the social thing here; the negative sequel that leave us in our development and in the loss and jag of vital values to advance toward the socialism that we want.

In this world more and more globalized the financial and economic crisis is not only for the other ones, but also for us, with a sensitive one low in the price of the exports and remarkable rise in the imports, and if the millionaire wave of unemployed that shakes the universe doesn't play us it is because here we have a social system that privileges the man and not the gain, because the right to the work like half of life is sacred and is guaranteed to all.

The services of Health, with lunar incidental, most of subjective nature, are lent to the whole population, the same as the educational, those of social security, those of social attendance for destitute people, the nutritional plans for the childhood, in short, a range of benefits that are directed to rise and to improve the quality of life in their entirety that very few towns, regrettably, they can enjoy.

In the complex and spasm international situation, the nation consolidates its presence in the regional organisms, fundamentally in the Bolivarian Alternative for the Towns of Our America (ALBA), to find agreement formulas and cooperation that contribute to face the crisis.

In the internal thing, the austerity, the saving—energy and of all type—, the investments directed toward where more quickly surrender economic fruits, the substitution of exports and the production of foods for the population, are part of the politics that the country takes ahead to make in front of the crisis and at the same time to continue the development and to preserve the conquests of the Revolution in these 50 years, and in that road we will continue advancing.(Armando Boudet)

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