martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Continues in Camagüey rehabilitation of the nets of drinkable water

Camagüey. The workers of the Manufacturer Company of Hydraulic Resources of Camagüey, have repaired more than 100 kilometers of pipes, like part of the works of rehabilitation of the nets of drinkable water in the capital of the territory.

The investment began two years ago and already benefit in this city head, the residents of 10 allotments, in many of which also enlarged the service to areas where before it didn't exist.

The brigades of the entity work at the present time in the allotments Jayamá and Versalles and later the works will continue in San Mateo and the left margin of the Square “Joaquín de Agüero.”

The rehabilitation of the nets of distribution of drinkable water of the capital of Camagüey, also goes accompanied by improvements in the drivers, the stations of pumping and in the own Potabilizator. (Pablo Cabero Viamontes).

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