jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Reproduce in Camagüey orchid reported for the first time in the orb

Camagüey. Biologists of Camagüey continue the reproduction--in laboratory--, of the "Amalia", orchid species reported for the first time in the world and alone detected in a place of this county.

Effective in the Pedagogic Superior Institute José Martí, of this city, the replica process already counts with more than 100 copies, according to the plan of the population of the plant increase whose well-known presence in the nature is in reduced end and with risk of disappearing.

The laboratory work sits down the bases for objectives as increasing, by means of the seed, the populational quantity in the natural environment.

Denominated scientifically Encyclia camagüeyensis , it is the first hybrid natural of the family of the orquideáceas found in the country, and arose of the species Encyclia phoenicea and Encyclia altissima.

Located in a northern abundant savanna in rocks serpent, has flowers with prevalence of a white combination of colors and violet, specified in dialogue with the AIN the máster Efraín Rodríguez Seijo, boss of the team discoverer and of study of the "Amalia."

Rodríguez also expressed that index to the discovery were presented in a relative world congress to the orchids in the United States of America.

When being plentiful on the scientific recognition to the discovery, he mentioned equally to the inclusion of an article in this respect in the last number of the North American magazine Orchid Digest, at world level of the main publications dedicated to the orquideáceas.

In the Island there is reported more than 320 of the dozens of thousands of varieties of orchids, plants of high ornamental value that have wakened up from remote times extraordinary and dissimilar human passions.(Adolfo Silva Silva )

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