jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

In Camagüey, secrets of a magic trick

Camagüey, The enormous desires of being a magician assault at least for once and in more than a, you get it without noticing it. would not know how to assure if for magic art or not, but the Cuban Theater of the Magic today turns 15 years, agglutinative company besides telepaths, jugglers, clowns and dancers.

The company, considered the best numberof its managing Carlos Quesada Vicente, is distinguished for the recreation of magic shows with a theatrical gobling, and for the convergence of the dance and the music in each history to the hand, willing to count children, youths and adults.

The repertoire includes the modalities of big and small illusions, magic close up, routine of manipulation, mentalism, cartomagy and circus varieties.

In Camagüey the references of the manifestation go back to the XX century, with isolated magicians until the foundation in 1972 of the Provincial School of Magic, genesis of the current grouping multipremiated, mainly in the International Festival Two-handled jar, with headquarters in The Tunas.

Among the emblematics works figure Borriquito and Payasín, The magic seat and Living room of fantasies, where traslucent the apprehensions in shops and the superation classes like those of corporal expression.

Now the School of the Magic works with the professionals of the company, effective way to narrow the bonds with the fans and to maintain lives the pleasure of people to come closer for that ignored and to enjoy a very old art, as the magician confirms Luis Véliz Cutiño, of the duet Los Velsas and with 20 years in the occupation.

For zeals like this the magic survives with the back of the science and the ability accumulated in centuries, since the I d.n.e, as it consists in a papyrus where is counted of the goose that walked after having beheaded by the magician's work Dedi that astonished the Pharaoh in the Palacio of Stone of Menfis.

But other Creole tricks, or rather, people form Camagüe, waits in the Main Theater of this city the days 5, 6 and 7 of June with the show “The magic: a history to count”, summarize of 15 moments for not forgetting.(Yanetsy León González )

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