martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Uses for the first time ENDEDANS company works for their 7 years of having been founded.

By:: Aymee Amargós / Television Camagüey

The Contemporary Ballet Endedans celebrated its seventh anniversary, with a day of presentations, in the Main Theater of the city of Camagüey.

The company of contemporary ballet Endedans marks its style in the scenary. El collective danzario celebrated its seventh anniversary with the premiere of the piece "TO the confines of the earth"”, of its directress, Tania Vergara who was worthy of the Ibero-American Prize of Choreography 2008 and of the Prize UNEAC in the current year

The show also included among other, the presentations of the works ¨Distante to your side, ¨La death of the man,¨ To the limit of swims her and Traces a line and forgets.

"Distant to your side", of Denis Martínez`s responsability, is a delicate piece in which lyricism and poetry converge in the plasticity of corporal movements and in the experimentation of the work to duet

The reinstatement of the also winning "the Man's death", interpreted this time for René Jorge Montes de Oca, and "To the limit of swims her", creation of Lisandra Gómez and Nairivis Guzmán
"It traces a line and forgets", with music of Massive Attack and Marilyn Mason approaches the violence that engenders the society in itself, stimulated by mediatrics wars and the indolence toward a world where everything is merchandise. This is the first time that Tania Vergara uses projections in screen that support the plot, thanks to the collaboration of the realizator Yasser Socarrás.

The grouping of small format intrudes in a more personalized aesthetics of the theatrical dance.

Integrated by young artists, apparent a technical base of classic dance, intermingled with the modern one and experimental exercises

In spite of the short age, has in its to have a repertoire where many of the works play the human existence closely.

In their seventh anniversary ENDEDANS put to the enjoyment of the public of Camagüey pieces well-known and new proposals.
All contribute to the enrichment of the culture would dance

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