domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Happy with her new house, Blanca Urbay voted for Cuba

Blanca Urbay, to the one who the hurricane Paloma and the penetration of the sea destroyed her humble housing in the coast of this town in November of 2008, voted today for Cuba and for the Revolution that gave her a new house.

When I went to the electoral school of my district I opted for a candidate of those nominated, but symbolically I made it forever for my Homeland, by free Cuba, by Fidel and for Raúl, expressed the 48 year-old woman and five grandsons' grandmother.

Main character of a picture that the world traveled, and showed it sitting among the brashes of what had been of her habitation while played a small television, the only saved article of the fury of the nature, Blanca is happy in her new housing and grateful to the Revolution.

Little by little we go buying things for the house and we already have the necessary thing, but mainly we have a sure construction that made us the State in some months, as Raúl promised us (Castro), she said referring to the General of Army and President of the Council of States and of Secretaries.

Hundred of families of the neighborhood of The Beach, where the havocs for the meteor were considerable, reside from principles of March in solid constructions located in points far from the sea.

Herminia Ernesto, another of the beneficiaries with one of these works of the Revolution, considered that the attendance of the neighbors to the voting is massive.

In spite of what are saying outside of Cuba against our government, people go here to the elections for conviction, because estimates it as revolutionary's duty, the worker of the kayak school expressed located in this city.

The fisherman Pedro Ripoll who continues living in “The Beach” where his habitation resisted the embate of the winds and of the sea, qualified the elections like a sovereign action.

Here is really chosen the one that is good in everything, with merits, and that leaves the town, he manifested.

The elections are developed with normality in Santa Cruz del Sur, as he told to the AIN René Macadam, president of the Municipal Electoral Commission.

This Sunday 35 thousand 773 voters are summoned, calculates that is not the total because a district doesn't converge to the urns.

The official explained that in the rural demarcation of Cupertina one of the two candidates died, reason why the National Electoral Commission authorized to carry out a new local assembly to nominate another candidate and to vote on coming Sunday.(Lucilo Tejera Díaz)

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