jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Makers of Camagüey competes in Festival of Television

By: Luis Enrique Perdomo Silva / Television Camagüey

The video room “New World” of Camagüey welcomes the theoretical sessions of the IV Provincial Festival of Television, audiovisual event that extends until the coming April 9.

Rafael Daniel Hernández, maker of Center Vision Yayabo was responsible for the conference “Tendencies of the Contemporary Journalism”, as long as the teacher María Antonia Borroto, of the branch of the Superior Institute of Art, lectured on “The Means and the construction of the reality.”

A jury presided by Alfonso Banderas, of Telecristal, and other professionals of the country, evaluated the 125 works in competition, where participate, besides the provincial telecenter, the five Communitary televisors Nuevavision, televisora located in the municipality of Nuevitas.

For the closing time, foreseen for this Friday, will take place a conversatory on the Dramaturgic Analysis in the Direction, besides the premiations elegance.

The colophon of the IV Festival of Television Camagüey will be played by the projection of the documentary “Ave María” of the maker Gustavo Pérez Fernández, rewarded in the recent International Festival of Latin American Cinema and finalist in the Ibero-American Festival of Guadalajara, Mexico.

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