miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Unit of Science, University and Tourism, make stronger to Camagüey

The vicerrector of the University of Camagüey, Dra.C. Hilda Oquendo and the delegate of the MINTUR María Antonia Rodríguez Martin, sign the document.

As an important advance step for a scientific mutidisciplinary focus for the sake of propitiating solutions to the development of the tourism in the most extensive Cuban county, it can be qualified the signature of the agreement of collaboration and work between the Ministry of Tourism of Cuba and the University of Camagüey (UC).

Also of extraordinary importance was the official delivery, at the same time, on the part of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) of the Territorial Program of Science and Technological Innovation of the Tourism in Camagüey to the Center of Multidisciplinary Studies of the Tourism (CEMTUR) of the own UC, as well as the launching of the convocation 2010-2011 of this program.

After the signature of the agreement MINTUR - UC, the doctor in sciences Andrea Armas Rodríguez, of the CITMA, gave reading to the resolution where is named the doctor in sciences María Elena Betancourt García, directress of the CEMTUR, as boss of the Territorial Program of Science and Technological Innovation of the Tourism in Camagüey, to the front of a group of experts integrated by renowned investigators of several institutions of the territory.

The doctor Betancourt García presented a synthesis of the convocation 2010-2011 of the territorial program of Science and Innovation of the Tourism in Camagüey that makes emphasis in the scientific contribution to reach a better tourist product on the base of the efficiency, the competitiveness, the innovation and the care of the environment front the challenges that impose the current world economic crisis and the climatic change that already impacts the planet.

In the closing, the delegate of the MINTUR Rodríguez Martin highlighted the necessity to have "agility to implement solutions that give answer, of joining wills", in the development of the tourism in Camagüey.

The county of Camagüey counts with more than a hundred kilometers of beaches, located for the most part in the north coast and keys of the same area, in front of the second bigger coralline barrier of the world, to that which can be added that the capital of the county, the city of Camagüey, Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity was declared in the 2009. However, diverse experts coincide that many potentialities still exist for the development of the call "smokeless industry" in the territory. (Adrián Cancino)

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