lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Musicians of Camagüey reaffirm commitment with their Revolution

The commitment of the musicians of Camagüey with Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro, the Communist Party of Cuba and with their town was reaffirmed in recent cultural patriotic veiled of condemnation to the mediatics manipulations of the Yankees and the European Union, against the sovereignty and the independence of the nation.

Peolple of Camagüey rejects political and mediatic anticuban campaign, organized and financed by United States.

Congregated in the Provincial Center Music in the provincial capital, integral of several groupings b of Camagüey revealed their condemnation to the new campaign and manifested the decision of changing their instruments for the weapons to defend the homeland if was necessary.

For the scenary paraded groupings like the group The Agramontinos, the band Jaleo, Acheré, Colach and the Group Girón who reaffirmed the attachment to the earth that saw them be born in their interpretations and to the Revolution.

“Our patriotic and revolutionaries convictions go next to our artistic creation. We will defend the socialism and the independence. Above all the Homeland is. With the Revolution everything, against the Revolution, with any right.”

That is feeling of the musicians of Camagüey before the maneuvers coarse against Cuba. (Eric Pacheco Fandiño)

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