sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Workers of the health in Camagüey condemn new imperialistic maneuver

In the measure that the news runs for the world on the newest mediatic campaign against Cuba, it is not made wait the energetic answer and of the workers of the Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey rejection.

During the unanimous reject of the personnel of health of the infantile hospital ofCamagüey, to the government of United States and the European Parliament that unctuously accuse Cuba for the violation of the human rights, transcended that what want is really to move away to the international opinion of the millions of dead in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and the torture centers in military bases.

The nefrologer Isabel Miranda Funcia, expressed that the medical team of Camagüey is also forced to claim for the damages caused by the economic blockade that affects the attention of children with chronicle renal inadequacy.

Others of the facts broadly denounced once again by the physicians of the Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey is that while are condemned wrongly five Cubans antiterrorist fighters, in the United States operate some 50 organizations with terrorists ends, to take to end sabotages and aggressions toward the Cuban town, which have caused numerous victims and affectations to the economy of the country. (Alex López Almaguer)

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