sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Reject young people in Camagüey mediatic campaign

Young people of this city rejected the mediatic campaign orchestrated by means of foreigners press against Cuba and ratified their support to the Cuban Revolution. Roberto Conde Silverio, Graduate in Psychology, recognized the youth's commitment starting from the president's words Raúl Castro Ruz, when in the closing of the IX Congress of the UJC exhorted them to occupy a paper of vanguard in the fight against the subversion and the lie.

It is not a war to liberate for whim, the 30 year-old youth pointed out, is the right that we have of defending the morals, the truth and our principles.

The youths have always been signed up in the fights of the Cuban town, from the mambises until the present time, and that tradition stays today from each student community or labor centers of the production and the services, added Conde Silverio.

For Mailín Cárdenas Ballester, graduated of Chemical Engineering of the University of Camagüey, also constitutes a responsibility to maintain the conquests achieved from the revolutionary victory in January of 1959.

I will raise my voice this May First in our streets to counteract the lie and to give to know to the world that the Cuban youth will be faithful continued of this social work, Mailín declared who completes the function of analyst in the Recuperator Company of Primes Matters of the county.

The youths that we work in the productive centers as me should be more efficient, to elevate the productivity and to look for alternative to the problems caused by the economic, commercial and financial blockade, imposed by the government from the United States to Cuba, the 28 year-old youth meditated.

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