martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

Camagüey in a fist of long fingernails

Camagüey, - Has Always been said that them, our federated ones, are as firm or delicate as demands the occasion, and the result of that quality is summarized in that the women of Camagüey has just included Camagüey among the five counties Vanguards of the country, an entire fist of hefty softness in defense of Cuba.

The results of the Emulation Anniversary 50 of the FMC invite, if it is that it fits, to look more attentively at our partners. In the stage, elevated the integration, deepened in 200 shops of values the one referred to the equality and elevated their inclusion in the Service Military Feminine Volunteer.

The recently concluded one processes eleccionario he/she left us in the municipal assemblies to 328 delegates that mean increment against the previous one and speak very well of the woman's promotion that neither fears to be sweated the hands: more than 1 800 of them produce foods from units of the MINAZ and other 2 800 seed and harvest in companies of the Agriculture, an entire pride of the Column Ana Betancourt, while a third force of 1 800 grows green lands received in usufruct.

Most of the 186 groups of the system of social prevention accuse advances in popular advice and districts and from the House of Orientation to the Woman and the Family the multidisciplinary advisory technical team contributes to the tribunals a complementary look in the treatment of very sensitive cases for the home.

For fortune, the laurels don't blind. The first one in subscribing him is Betsy Rodríguez Cardoso, general secretary in the county. She recognizes that the results are not homogeneous because lack a lot so that the 929 blocks are vanguards.

“The challenge is that all are vanguards or outstanding”, the secretary declares in front of the Diploma recently received in the capital. The new tasks of the 290 895 members of the FMC in Camagüey? “To be more dynamic and to elevate the activism from the community, the study centers and of work”, Betsy responds while the journalist repairs in her fists of federated.(Enrique Milanes León)

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