martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

Looking at the city from another perspective

It works of the photographic exhibition “Another perspective”
Camagüey, - The survival of this city in front of the implacable weight of the time is the essential topic of the first photographic exhibition of David González Pérez, inaugurated in the expositive room Nicolás Guillén, of our Adelante newspaper.

The sample “Another perspective” of eight instantaneous digital, worked from the color to the usage of the analogical technique, reveals the multiple provocations of an artist that remake the image of constructive landmarks.

The sensation of the watching of the shades in the details of constructions of the religious, residence and administrative repertoire, surprises with more intensity due to the overlapping of cracks and vegetation characteristic of places deteriorated by the humidity.

The spaces of David, like the healer Adela María García Yero pointed out , play with a seemingly chaotic atmosphere starting from the fragmentation of the image, but invite to retrace “the paths of the cultural memory, to meet with the tangible city, to poke in a city that is herself and at the same time many other.”

Although David expressed his satisfaction to dare to expose results of his facets in the creation, his modesty didn't remain silent that merit of problemic young when intertwining remembers and day-to-dayness, when throwing the challenge to the current inhabitants of the perpetuity city Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity.

David González Pérez acts as graphic designer from 2004. He is member of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators and of the National Union of Architects and Engineers of the Construction of Cuba. He also maintains bonds with entities and institutions of the county, especially with the Cuban Association of Artisans Artists and the Office of the Historian of the City of Camagüey.(Yanetsy León)

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