lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

Union of Communist Youths is inspired by Fidel, indefatigable warrior's example

The Cuban youths are summoned to remain the whole informed time and alert mobilizing consciences, wills and the human being's better values

Have happened alone some hours of the momentous encounter that the Commandant gave to the youths, like sample of that special affection and trust that he has always had in the new generations of Cuban.

Ratified that of our to act responsible the future depends, in a historical moment marked by the imperious necessity of saving the life in the Earth.

The reflections, shared in the encounter, make vibrate to the revolutionaries of our dear Homeland and the Union of Communist Youths, vanguard of the Cuban Youth, is inspired by his example of indefatigable warrior, to continue building the work that bequeathed us.

One of the best children in this sovereign and independent Island, Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, is today tortured in jails of the North American empire; our youth's paradigm, next to his four siblings, also antiterrorist fighters, teaches us with his integrity the difficult one on the way to the sacrifice when of defending noble causes and you joust is.

The youths, with humility and the truth in the hand, we will lift our voices so that doesn't continue spilling out bleeds innocent in the world, because of the imperial appetites; we are summoned to remain the whole informed time and alert mobilizing consciences, wills and the human being's better values.

Union of Communist Youths

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