viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

The artistic teaching, achieve in the Cuban Culture

Camagüey,-The system of the Artistic Teaching in Camagüey receives the Day for the Cuban Culture with 638 students in the schools of elementary and half level, changes in the study programs and the challenges involved by this work that models to the talent.

The limitations in the fullfilness of accessories and of the cloister and the deficiencies in the entrance didn't impede this year the opening of the Vocational School of Art “Luis Casas Romero”, the Academy of the Arts “Vicentina of the Tower” and Music's Conservatory “José White”, where children and young of all the municipalities and of the rest of the Cuban counties receive music's specialties, ballet, dances, dramatic arts and plastic arts.

With the sustenance of the traditions of our town, each action in the educational-educational process and in the extraescolars activities contributes to the invigoration of the values of solidarity and the identification with the patrimony, assured Alina González, provincial subdirector of the Artistic Teaching .

The prizes in the International Encounter of Academies of Ballet, the Competition Jojazz and the National Festival of Theater are reasons to take place in the Day. Those achievements in the school course 2009-2010 point out for the current one, the necessity to intensify the work of engage of the students with their duties, of to stimulate the scientific investigation and to narrow the bonds with the institutions and the artistic vanguard.

Of the coherent imbrication between the education and the culture the artistic teaching is born in Cuba, constituted after 1959, in the Cuban Revolution, in a system that integrate 65 schools in three teaching levels: the elementary, half and superior.

Those centers form at the present time to more than 28 500 Cubans who consented to their classrooms for their talent, and in these reaffirm the feelings of national identity.(Yanetsy León González )

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