viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Camagüey takes place World Day of the Normalization

Camagüey, 14 oct. - The community of the Territorial Office of Normalization of this county, commemorated today the World Day of that specialty with a homage to Ernesto Che Guevara, instigator in Cuba of the technical norms in the productions like road for the economic development.

Motivated by the date, in the mentioned institution adscripted to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, training actions are imparted in quality and metrology to the specialists that act in the different entities of Camagüey.

With such a purpose conferences and consultancies are imparted about the effective norms and in a special way courses were conceived about the systems of Security and Health in the Work, Human Capital and the one Integrated of Administration that imposes the current market to the managerial.

For October 28 the territorial office of Normalization in Camagüey plan a Provincial Shop in the one that the companies leaders of the county in the application of the mentioned work methods, will expose their experiences.

From 1961 and thanks to the vision of future of the Commandant Ernesto Che Guevara, Cuba integrates the International Organization of Normalization, ISO, for its initials in English, what has allowed the technical quality of the products dedicated to the export and its entrance to the international market. (Yamylé Fernández Rodríguez)

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