martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Camagüey continues revitalization of the rail sector

Camagüey. The gradual elimination of impediments in the rail lines, corresponding to Camagüey, to convert them in more expedite, figure among the actions that are attacked in the county like part of the revitalization of the sector.

René Fernández Ortega, delegate of the Union of Railroads of Cuba in the territory, explained that of the eight tracts that had signalings of central on-line caution to year beginnings, it is only the half and the objective is to eradicate them all.

Regarding the brunches, the directive explained that that of Santa Cruz of the South presents a difficult state, nevertheless the bridges were repaired and the adjournment speed should be increased in that road and in the brunch of Nuevitas.

That chore will be impelled much more inside little when the quarry of Dry Stick, in Guáimaro, assume the delivery of the necessary stone for the repairs of the whole country.

To the maintenance of the rail tracts of Camagüey sink forces of the Juvenile Army of the Work (EJT) that work in different points. (Yamylé Fernández Rodríguez)

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