jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Camilo Cienfuegos, flight to the history

Camagüey, TO the six and a minute of the afternoon of October 28,1959, the twin-engine airplane mark Cessna 310 C, of five squares, left the airport of Camagüey bound for Havana.

On board, the pilot and first lieutenant, Luciano Fariñas Rodríguez; the soldier Féliz Rodríguez and the Boss of the State bigger than the Rebellious Army. Comandant Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán.

The time lapsed and the airship didn't arrive to its destination. The restlessness began to appear in the main leaders. Later, the anguish was general.
The following day, the nascent government revolutionary made public the disappearance of the Cessna and his tripulants.

The note emitted by the Section of Press of the Rebellious Army informed that the searches made until that moment had been fruitless. It was considered that the accident had happened in some point to the north of the counties of Camagüey, The Villages or Matanzas.

Turbonades among Ciego de Ávila and the last of these counties could cause the tragedy.
Report offered by the companies of other airships indicated that, apparently, the Cessna fell inside a powerful storm that came from the south, that which made the pilot to stray of the habitual route and to fly more to the north.

With this maneuver, the trip became longer and the fuel was insufficient. Under those circumstances, the possibilities to survive became remote.

During two weeks, in all Cuba was carried out intense search for sea and air. The areas for which could have flown over the air ship were revised span to span.

The youth revolutionary State used for this end all the available means, while the press maintained informed to the town of the efforts that were made to find Camilo and his partners. But the airplane never appeared.

November 12, 1959, Fidel Castro announced the definitive disappearance of the Hero of Yaguajay.

That day, the maximum leader affirmed that in the town there was many Camilos, and he pointed out: "(.) the only thing that we can request to our town is that, every time that the Homeland is in a difficult situation and in a moment of danger that remembers Camilo."

There have passed 51 years and the memory of the from then on Mr. of the Vanguard he lives in the memory of the Cubans.

The yank imperialism, in its desire to discredit to the Revolution, has tried to sell the history that Camilo was murdered by supposed disagreements with the revolutionary government in the making maximum leaders.

Before the reactionary conspiracy arisen in Camagüey days before his physical disappearance, the Commandant Camilo Cienfuegos faced, denounced and captured the traitors, fact that demonstrated his loyalty to Fidel and the historical direction of social justice for which always fought.(Dai Liem Lafá Armenteros)

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