viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

Cuban Five Case Denounced at Inter-parliamentarian Union

HAVANA, Cuba, April 10 (acn) Cuba denounced before the 120 Assembly of the Inter-parliamentarian Union (UIP) underway in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, the brutal injustice committed against the Five Cuban antiterrorism fighters incarcerated in the US since 1998.

While speaking at the forum, Cuban deputy Ramón Pez Ferro pointed out to the 500 participating parliamentarians that Ramón Labañino, Gerardo Hernández, René González, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando González were only monitoring the activities of Miami-based terrorist groups.

Pez Ferro, who is also the president of the Commission for International Relations of the National Assembly of the People’s Power (Parliament), also denounced the hypocrisy and falseness of the so-called capitalist “free press”, especially in the US, which continues to hide the reality of this case from their peoples.

As an example, he pointed out the petition presented to the US Supreme Court of Justice by The Five’s defense lawyers so their cause is re- xamined, supported by 12 Amicus Curiae (Friends of the Court) of organizations and personalities from around the world, which includes 10
Nobel Prize winners.

He highlighted that hundreds of parliamentarians, a large number of lawyer’s groups, non-governmental and human rights organizations have also sent in their support for this petition.

Although these actions –he affirmed- constitute an unprecedented historical event, it hasn’t called the attention of the western press.

At another moment of the assembly’s debates, deputy Yenielys Regüeiferos spoke about Cuba’s position with regard to the current global crisis, in terms of climate change, sustainable development, and renewable energy.

Deputy Regüeiferos was chosen by the UIP’s Latin American Group to thank the host country, on behalf of Latin America and the Caribbean, for the excellent attention received and to acknowledge the good organization of the meeting.

(Denuncian en la Unión Interparlamentaria caso de Los Cinco)

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