martes, 28 de abril de 2009

Sanitary authorities affirm that Cuba has diagnostic possibilities for new virus PDF to Print Electronic mail

Havana Apr, 28 . - The Cuban sanitary system has the diagnostic possibilities and of treatment for the new virus of swinish influenza, and personnel qualified in the attention and all patient's pursuit.

Among these highly qualified professionals there are specialists, doctors, nurses and technicians that act in a system that embraces from the medical clinics, policlinics and hospitals, to the investigation institutes, inform this Tuesday the revolving Granma.

The doctor Luis Estruch Rancaño, vice minister of the area of Hygien, Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), also explained that this qualified personnel is in capacity of facing the 24 hours of the day the population's requirements before any contingency.

The doctor Estruch indicated that before the international situation it is important to carry to an extreme the measures of personal and collective hygiene in school institutions, of service and public places in general.

The MINSAP, together with the Institute of Civil Aeronautics, Ministry of Tourism, Customs, Immigration and Veterinary science, come taking measures of rigorous control, in ports and airports, with the airships, the crafts and their passengers, assisting to that that it would be a door of entrance of the virus from the swinish influenza to our country.

Until the present, in Cuba any case of influenza has not taken place (flu) swinish, neither suspicious patients of the illness exist entered in assistance centers of the country.

Nevertheless, as answer to the prevalent situation in Mexico, United States, Canada and other countries where cases of swinish influenza are reported in human, Cuba upgrades all the clinical-epidemic capacities of surveillance and of attention to the population of the National System of Health.

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