viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

The humanity requests revision of the Cuban antiterrorists' case

Havana. Ricardo Alarcón, president of the Cuban Parliament, said that he hopes the Supreme Court of USA listens the humanity's clamor and accept to revise the case of the five patriots prisoners wrongly in that country.

The Cuban antiterrorists Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, Antonio Guerrero and René González, the Five like are known internationally, complete unjust and excesed condemnations in United States for more than 10 years.

The Cuban Legislative's Boss presented in six volumes the translation to Spanish of friends of the Court 12 documents (amicus curiae brief), in support to the petition of the defense of the Five the past January 30 so that this process is reexamined.

He remarked that those texts include those signed by the 10 Prizes Nobel José RamosHorta, president of Timor Leste, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Rigoberta Menchú, José Saramago, Wole Soyinka, Zhores Alferov, Nadine Gordimer, Günter Grass, Darío Fo and Mairead Maguire.

Similar documents are equally of the responsibility of the Senate of in the middle of Mexico; the National Assembly of Panama; Mary Robinson, president of Ireland (1992-97) and Commissioned Discharge of Human rights of United Nations (1997-2002), among others.

All this has the Supreme Court of USA of last March, Alarcón remarked in the Memorial José Martí, of this capital.

He pointed out that the magistrates of that maximum judicial instance will have noticed immediately that doesn't have precedent the quality and quantity of the amicus curiae brief sent to that instance, that which shows an universal interest for the case.

He reiterated that the president Barack Obama, of agreement with the American Constitution, has the ability to put an end to this arbitrary and unjust situation.

The president Obama can and should move away the false positions that were formulated against Gerardo, Ramón, Fernando, Antonio and René, he manifested.

He added that that is inside their abilities, and him as jurist he knows it perfectly well, because he has the imperium to forgive, to eliminate the sentences, to reduce them, to modify them and to move away the accusation in any.

We hope the Supreme Court of USA welcomes what is requesting him practically the Humanity, if still the president Obama doesn't make what should in this respect.

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