lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Cubans celebrate anniversary 49 of Committees of Defense of the Revolution

The Committees of Defense of the Revolution (CDR), the biggest Cuban local organization, completes this Monday 49 years inmerse in the protection of the Revolution and in the development of the communities.

Created in the night of September 28,1960 and integrated for more than eight million people, the CDR has been an agglutinative entity in the neighborhoods for the solution of sanitary problems, recovery of matters cousins and attention of desfavored sectors.

The Committees - like they are known in Cuba and in the exterior - they were decisive in the success of the first massive campaign of vaccination carried out in the country in 1962 against illnesses today you eradicate as the poliomyelitis, the measles and the rubella.

Thanks to their community work, Cuba reaches for one half a decade an average of a donation of blood for each 19 inhabitants, superior quota to the goal of the World Organization of the Health (OMS) of one for each 20 people in the developed countries.

Other fulfilled tasks with success include their support to the literacy campaign in 1961 and to others linked to the Cuban educational development, as well as in the cleaning of communities and neighborhoods.

However, their fundamental task - and fulfilled with success until the moment - it is the protection of the Revolution against the external and internal enemies.

In April of 1961, to only six months of established, the biggest local organization in the country could neutralize to civil elements with those that the organizers counted from the aggression to Playa Girón (well-known as Bay of Pigs) for its prospective success.

The idea of its establishment left of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, in an act in front of the old Presidential Palacio (current Museum of the Revolution, in the historical helmet of Havana).

Amid the words of the first minister was listened three explosions, but the town then there congregated he responded with alive to the Revolution, to his leader and intoning the notes of the National Hymn.

"We will establish a system of collective revolutionary surveillance - Fidel aimed Castro, and he added, - they are playing with the town and they don't still know who the town is; they are playing with the town and they don't know the tremendous force revolutionary that there is in the town".

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