martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Create symphonic infanto juvenile orchestra in Camagüey

The symphonic Orchestra infanto juvenile of Camagüey is of recent creation. The community offered its first concert for the public.

By: Aymee Amargós / Television Camagüey

The foundation and the symphonic orchestra of children permanency and young, reinforces the academic formation and the training for the future labor life in the music.

This grouping of Camagüey debuted for the public in the theater Avellaneda where carried out its first concert. It was a homage dedicated to the 100 years of the premiere of the work “bird of fire of Stravinsky. The repertoire of the show included pieces of Mozart, Bach, Lecuona and other classics, well-known internationally.

Its directress Betzabet Consuegra, is graduate of the National School of Art in coral direction and of the the Superior Institute of Art in orchestral direction. She is also enclosed directress of the Symphonic of Camagüey.

The community maintains instrumental variety. It is integrated by students from 10 to 18 years of the schools of elementary and half level of the county.

The infanto juvenile orchestra, is an opportunity so that the children and youths bring near the public to the world of classic and universal music . Another of the edges of the project is the community work.

This grouping opens new options of cultural enjoyment for the population., besides impacting in the professional formation of the students.

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