martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Will present today anthology of songs of Juan Almeida

The anthology "With the extended hand", have more than enough musical topics composed by Juan Almeida Bosque, will be presented this afternoon in the capital Universal Room of the Revolutionary Armed forces.

The newspaper Juventud Rebelde informs that the volume contains a hundred works of this fruitfully composer - next to its scores for piano and guitar -, among these the emblematics The Lupe; Give me a swig; What happens with that woman; and Any place is my earth.

Fruit of the zeal of the House Publisher April, was published by the graphic workers of the printing Federico Engels and has the teacher's introductory words Frank Fernández and of Redento Morejón who was linked to the musical work of Almeida during long years.

The presentation, in act organized by the Union of Communist Youths, will have as colophon a concert in the one that outstanding soloists and groupings will interpret part of the repertoire included in the book.

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