martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Camagüey to complete its plan of cane seed

By:Lucilo Tejera Díaz

The county persists in completing the annual program of cane seed, in order to elevate the production of sugar in the harvest of the 2011, in spite of the existent backwardness.

When it finished the humid station, the territory accumulates little more than 14 thousand hectares planted since January, surface that means near 90 percent of the program until December, which surpasses the 15 thousand 800, hectares, pointed out the Sugar Managerial Group (GEA) Camagüey.

In what it lacks of the 2009 the plantation will advance with smaller yield, because it will only be carried out in areas with irrigable.

Of the nine companies dedicated to the cultivation of the gramineous , two surpassed its respective plans, and other five have possibilities to complete, I didn't seize both remaining.

During the 2008 the county planted little more than 15 thousand hectares, and for the current one was not considered an important growth assisting to the world economic situation and the financial limitations of the country, mainly for consumption of petroleum in the preparation of the earth.

Lázaro González, specialist in irrigation, said that the favored lands to year beginnings with this attention have double yield of those that received the seeds in unirrigated land surfaces, without irrigable and clerks of the rain to survive and to be developed, reason why the objective of the investment is satisfied.

On the other hand, Ramón Campanioni, of the direction of cane of the GEA Camagüey, highlighted the good vegetative state of the new seed, although the average of plants for area, called population in the agricultural terminology, it oscillates from the 70 to 75 percent, an insufficient level for the effectiveness of the task.

In the fields where residual humidity persists is carried out the reseed, in order to increase the population at least on 85 percent.

From last year the reedbeds apply the technology of the fertilization in the bottom of the furrow before locating in them the seeds, that which offers him nutritious from the first moment.

Also waters Fitomás, a bioestimulaTor of the patent growth and Cuban production.

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