viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

Order Frank País to Teachers of Camagüey.

By: María del Carmen Fuentes. Television Camagüey.

The work of infinite love that is the education, deserves for its makers multiple recognitions. In the day to them dedicated in Cuba-declared FreeTerritory of Illiteracy for 47 years -, severalteachers of Camagüey received the highest stimuli.
The connotation of this moment is the bonus to so much effort and dedication for the human growth through the knowledge.
A total of seven teachers of Camagüey was worthy for its exemplary attitude of the Order Frank País of II grade that grants the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba, to proposal of the Ministry of Education. To other nine were awarded the Medal José Tey, given it outstanding work in the organization and school administration.
The solemn ceremony took place in the Living room Guillén of the historical combined monumentary of the Square of the Revolution Bigger General Ignacio Agramonte yLoynaz of Camagüey. There also was meant to a group of professors with the “Distinction for the Cuban education”. Equally who for more than 20 years have been consecrated to the teaching, they received the distinction “Rafael María de Mendive.”
The municipalities Guáimaro, Céspedes, Sibanicú and Vertientes, as well as Computer Science's Polytechnic Institute “Maximum Gómez” and the School of Sport Initiation “Cerro Pelado” conquered a special recognition.
Julio Cesar García Rodríguez, First Secretary of the PCC in Camagüey, ennobled the paper of the educators in the revolutionary history of the Island.
“We have an extraordinary pedagogic flow that comes from the time of Varela, Mendive…, teachers' teachers. And you are the continuity of that formed tradition of values, of behaviors, of ideology. For that reason you deserve the most important recognitions.”

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